
This is about a ‘mature’ Kiwi couple who have lived in a number of developing countries for thirty years For the past ten years they have called Queensland Australia their home and while that has been interesting they do miss the excitement and challenge of living amongst different cultures and languages. Sooo, they are now off on an extended trip of exploration to find a new place to settle!


  1. I’m looking forward to reading about all of your adventures! I just had a thought that your blog should actually be called Two Adventurers & a Dog! But that’s a bit too long for a web address :o) he he xx

  2. will be following your adventures with interest, and looking forward to hearing about the new ones to come. Cheers Donna

  3. Sorrry about the funny face (my boss actually) but I have started a blog in wordpress for him, but using my hotmail address for contact, so I guess thats why the pic of him has popped up. he he he Donna

  4. Hi Jim & Di – great to follow your travels – you will be pleased that finally you are on your way. How exciting is all this? Kay & Alister

  5. Just thinking about French Champers, makes me drool. Would not mind being locked in a cellar full of it. Keep having fun. Love Pam

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